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3326 10/21/2013 3:29 PM $321.33
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3321 10/21/2013 2:23 PM $245.12
3320 10/21/2013 2:15 PM $5663.54
3319 10/21/2013 2:13 PM $943.45

Part 1

In this lab you will learn to create a simple container with HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a web game we will building over the next two labs.

Begin by creating a blank file named “index.html”. The file can be named something different, but it’s common practice to name the main entry point of a website “index”, as that is what web servers often use to display the default page of a website directory. The browser will read the “.html” extension and know to interpret it as an HTML document.

Note: make sure that if file extensions are not displayed on your system that you don’t accidently create the file with a “.html.txt” or similar extension.