1. Open your computer's File Manager (or Finder on Mac) and create an empty folder on your desktop and name it “PGSLevel1”.
<html> |
2. Under your Connexus student account, open the course dashboard.
<html> |
3. Locate Session 1 Lab and download it’s ‘zipped’ or compressed code file.
<html> |
JavaScript is a cross platform scripting computer language that is used to create Web centered applications including video games. The JavaScript engine platform can run within hosted environments like Web Browsers and Servers. It is a very fast, dynamic scripting language that has helped build the Internet it is today. JavaScript is an in-demand programming language. In this course you will be using JavaScript to build and modify your own video game that is playable on a web browser.
4. In File Manager locate and select your downloaded zip file.
<title>Myawesomegame</title> |
5. Select ‘extract’ from File Manager to unzip the files.
<h1>Myawesomegame</h1> |
6. Change the location to point to the desktop folder “PGSLevel1” you created earlier, then click Extract to unzip files.
<h2>By[YOURNAMEHERE]</h2> |
Refreshing the window should now look something like this:
Read definition & example sections: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_alert.asp
The alert() method displays an alert box with a specified message and an OK button.
An alert box is often used if you want to make sure information comes through to the user.
8. Click or paste the link below into your chrome web browser for the Web Server for Chrome app:
http://tinyurl.com/hrz8uqd/ |
<http://tinyurl.com/hrz8uqd/> |
9. Click the button “Launch App” or “Add to Chrome” to install it first.
<canvas style="background:black"/> |
10. Open new Chrome tab, click on Google Apps button (top left corner), find "200 Ok!" application.
<canvas style="background:black"/> |
11. Double-click the “200 Ok!” application to open and start running your web server for Chrome.
<canvas style="background:black"/> |
Read page and do examples: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_variables.asp
12. With the Web Server panel open, click “Choose Folder” button.
<script language="Javascript"> |
13. Locate your ‘PGSLevel1’ folder you created on your desktop, then navigate down to: /Session1_LabFiles/ Start_Lab folder then click ‘OK’.
const appWidth = 640; //definethewidthinpixels const appHeight = 480; //definetheheightinpixels |
14. Select the check-box: “Automatically show index.html”
console.log(appWidth); console.log(appHeight); |
15. Then finally click on the link: found under “Web Server URL(s)” section. |
What is IP or Internet Protocol? Do you know your Public IP address? If you type in “what is my IP address” into Google Search what do you get? If you go to http://whatismyipaddress.com/, what information can be gathered about your IP?
16. Find and run the application Notepad++ on your computer.
17. Open and find the ‘index.html’ file under the Start_Lab folder.
Watch Step18. Put a blank line under: add the following content:
<canvas id="game" style="background:black"/> |
19. Save file.
20. Find the comment line: add a blank line underneath, add the following:
Hello World! |
21. Save file, switch over to your browser to your ‘blank’ server page, click Reload.
Refresh your browser window to see your larger canvas.
Congratulations you have a “Hello World” website!
Now let’s move on to running our first web/mobile video game from our server called Adventureman.
Search these questions using a search application like Google search or Bing. What is the Internet and who created the Internet? What is the Web and who created it? What was created first, the Internet or the Web?
Just like we did before let’s open up our Web Server control panel and re-select the default folder.
22. Click on “CHOOSE FOLDER” button.
Watch Step23. This time, select the “Adventureman” folder underneath the Start_Lab folder. Click OK.
<canvas id="game" style="background:black"/> |
24. Reload the “Hello World!” page.
var theCanvas = document.getElementById("game"); |
25. Click on the “Start game” button at the of the screen, or tap your computer’s space bar.
Use your arrow keys on your computer to navigate the ball around the screen picking up ‘keys’ and using them to unlock doors.
theCanvas.width = appWidth; theCanvas.height = appHeight; |
26. Play through game levels, think about ways the game can be improved.
● Did you come up with some great ideas how you would design the levels? ● How would you change the graphics? ● Add sound? How about music, what type of music would you add?
Take a look at this site: http://www.bnl.gov/about/history/firstvideo.php
27. Open File Manager (or Finder for Mac), locate the index.html file you added Hello World!
28. Compress index.html into a zip file
<canvas id="game" style="background:black"/> |
29. Upload the compressed ‘zip’ file to the Session 1 turn-in assignment.
Congratulations, you have completed Session 1!